In the fringes of AFSIC 2022, The Eastern African Association hosted a high profile delegation from Mauritius to network and discuss the role of Mauritius as a hub for Africa Investments and opportunities for members of the Eastern Africa association in the country.
In his remarks, Hon Seeruttun, Minister of financial services and good governance provided an update of the reforms Mauritius had introduced to ensure the country provides a clean and transparent jurisdiction which provides high standard financial services for businesses.
Other speakers included the Global Outreach Director, Economic Development Board Mr Vinay Guddye who shared Mauritius’ economic journey with statistics on how Mauritius IFC was facilitating investment flows into the Africa Continent. Mr Kamal Shah Partner at Stephenson Harwood our hosts and a board member of the Eastern Africa Association spoke of the importance of legal capacity in promoting investor confidence.
Here some images from the reception:

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