ARC East Africa Weekly Chronology
4-10 July 2024

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Africa Risk Consulting monitors events around the region and provides users of the EAA website with this weekly summary.


Weekly Update on events in East Africa

Africa Risk Consulting – Your first choice for Africa due diligence, country assessments, strategic advice and compliance consulting.

10 Jul 2024 Bujumbura (Burundi) VOA. Burundi and Rwanda agree to meet amid heightened tensions that led to a closure of their mutual borders;

10 Jul 2024 Kampala (Uganda) Africa Intelligence. France-headquartered TotalEnergies has reportedly secured financial backing from pan-African financial institution Africa Finance Corp for the East African Crude Oil Pipeline;

9 Jul 2024 Asmara (Eritrea) APA News. President Isaias Afwerki hosts Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud for a working visit aimed at cementing closer ties;

9 Jul 2024 Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Reuters. Prime minister Abiy Ahmed meets with Sudanese Armed Forces chief General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, with Abiy’s office calling the meeting an effort to find a solution to Sudan’s conflict;

9 Jul 2024 Kigali (Rwanda) Anadolu Agency. Rwanda’s government says it has taken note of the United Kingdom’s (UK) intention to terminate its migration deal;

8 Jul 2024 Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Borkena. United States ambassador to Ethiopia Ervin Massinga says unknown gunmen kidnapped at least 100 people, including students, for ransom last week in Oromia Region;

8 Jul 2024 Nairobi (Kenya) Reuters. United States-headquartered Moody’s cuts Kenya’s sovereign rating to “Caa1” from “B3”, deeper into junk territory, citing diminished capacity to implement a fiscal consolidation strategy to contain its debt burden;

8 Jul 2024 Kigali (Rwanda) France24. United Nations (UN) reports that between 3,000 and 4,000 Rwandan soldiers are fighting alongside the M23 rebels in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC);

8 Jul 2024 Kigali (Rwanda) AFP. United Kingdom (UK)-headquartered Amnesty International warns that Rwanda’s opposition faces “severe restrictions” ahead of the 15 July election;

7 Jul 2024 Bujumbura (Burundi) Gulf Times. Qatar’s chamber of commerce hosts a business delegation from Burundi to discuss enhancing cooperation;

7 Jul 2024 Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) Daily News. Foreign affairs and East African cooperation minister January Makamba says Tanzania is committed to ensuring the East African Community (EAC) is strong, united and successful;

6 Jul 2024 Djibouti (Djibouti) Mirage News. United States special envoy for the Horn of Africa, Mike Hammer, travels to Djibouti to discuss regional and security issues and to Ethiopia to attend the African Union’s (AU) second meeting to review the implementation of the Pretoria Cessation of Hostilities Agreement;

6 Jul 2024 Djibouti (Djibouti) Defence Web. European Union (EU) vice president Josep Borrell arrives in Djibouti for a two-day visit to strengthen bilateral ties and visit naval assets;

6 Jul 2024 Nairobi (Kenya) Times Lives. President William Ruto announces proposed spending cuts and additional borrowing following his decision to withdraw the finance bill that was aimed at raising revenue for the budget deficit, projected at $2.7 billion;

4 Jul 2024 Kinshasa (DRC) AFP. Djugu administrator Ruphin Mapela says the rebel group CODECO attacked a Chinese-linked mining site in the area, killing six Chinese nationals and two Congolese soldiers;

4 Jul 2024 Kinshasa (DRC) France24. Lawyers of 25 soldiers confirm a court sentenced their clients to death for fleeing the enemy while fighting M23 rebels in eastern DRC;

4 Jul 2024 Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Business Live. Prime minister Abiy Ahmed says the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank will provide $10.5 billion in support to Ethiopia if negotiations are successful;

4 Jul 2024 Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) IPP MediaBritish Virgin Islands-registered Helium One Global Ltd CEO Lorna Blaisse says helium deposits at the company’s primary helium project in the Rukwa Basin region stand at 138 billion cubic feet (Bcf), making it the largest known primary helium deposit in the world;

4 Jul 2024 Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) CNBC Africa. Bank of Tanzania (central bank) leaves the key interest rate unchanged at 6%, confirming that inflation expectations are well below its target of 5%, reaching 3.1% in May;

6 Jul 2024 Kinshasa (DRC) The East African. United States brokers a two-week ceasefire in North Kivu Province to allow relief supplies to enter the province;


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ARC East Africa Weekly Chronology 4 – 10 Jul 2024_