ARC East Africa Weekly Chronology
18-24 July 2024

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Africa Risk Consulting monitors events around the region and provides users of the EAA website with this weekly summary.


Weekly Update on events in East Africa

Africa Risk Consulting – Your first choice for Africa due diligence, country assessments, strategic advice and compliance consulting.

23 Jul 2024 Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Al Jazeera. Two landslides kill at least 229 people in southern Ethiopia;

23 Jul 2024 Nairobi (Kenya) AP News. Police fire tear gas at pro and anti-government protestors who clashed in Nairobi;

23 Jul 2024 Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) The Citizen. United States (US) under secretary of state for political affairs John Bass arrives in Tanzania to meet with senior government officials and civil society representatives;

23 Jul 2024 Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) Mining Weekly. Australia’s Peak Rare Earths signs a nonbinding term sheet with China’s Shenghe to support the development and funding of the Ngualla rare earths element;

23 Jul 2024 Kampala (Uganda) Africanews. Security forces arrest around 60 people who tried to walk to parliament in a demonstration against high-level corruption;

22 Jul 2024 Kinshasa (DRC) Medafrica Times. African Development Bank (AfDB) grants a $260m loan to DRC to help strengthen its agricultural sector;

22 Jul 2024 Nairobi (Kenya) Daily Nation. Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) spokesperson Eric Ngumbi says the EACC is close to completing investigations into high-level bribery allegations, with former transport minister Michael Kamau and top roads authority officials heading the list of 18 Kenyans whose names appeared in Israeli investigations into contractor SBI International;

22 Jul 2024 Kigali (Rwanda) Financial Times. United Kingdom’s home secretary Yvette Cooper says the former government paid Rwanda £290m ($374.18m) directly as part of the now scrapped migration policy;

22 Jul 2024 Kigali (Rwanda) Le Monde. National Electoral Commission confirms that incumbent president Paul Kagame won the election with 99.18%;

22 Jul 2024 Kampala (Uganda) Reuters. Authorities deploy military and police around parliament and the centre of Kampala ahead of planned anti-government protests;

21 Jul 2024 Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) The Citizen. President Samia Suluhu Hassan announces a cabinet reshuffle, with Mahmoud Thabit Kombo replacing January Makamba as foreign affairs minister and Jerry Silaa replacing Nape Nnauye as ICT minister;

21 Jul 2024 Kampala (Uganda) BBC. President Yoweri Museveni warns anti-corruption protestors against going ahead with a protest on Tuesday, stating they will be “playing with fire”;

20 Jul 2024 Bujumbura (Burundi) Bloomberg. Burundians report waiting at fuel stations for three weeks to get fuel as foreign currency shortages continues to impact Burundi’s ability to import goods such as fuel;

20 Jul 2024 Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) BorkenaNational Bank of Ethiopia (central bank) introduces new directives allowing private and public banks to engage in investment in non-banking businesses, with some restrictions;

20 Jul 2024 Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) The Citizen. Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRAGG) tables a report on investigations into human rights violations and governance for 2022/2023, revealing that police stations exist where suspects are illegally subject to torture and harsh interrogation techniques before legal arrest procedures are initiated;

19 Jul 2024 Kinshasa (DRC) VOANews. Uganda‘s charge d’affaires, Matata Twaha Magara, denies United Nations allegations that Uganda is backing M23 rebels in neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) after DRC deputy foreign minister Gracia Yamba Kazadi summoned him over the issue;

19 Jul 2024 Nairobi (Kenya) Daily Nation. National carrier Kenya Airways warns customers to expect delays after a global cyber outage disrupted its booking system;

19 Jul 2024 Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) Daily News. Bank of Tanzania (BoT) (central bank) says its 2024/2025 monetary policy stance will remain relatively tight to respond to recent exchange rate depreciation and high oil prices;

18 Jul 2024 Kinshasa (DRC) Africanews. United States (US) announces a 15-day extension of a humanitarian ceasefire it brokered in eastern DRC;

18 Jul 2024 Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Bloomberg. Ethiopia’s official creditors have reportedly granted financing assurances to the country to help push ahead approval of a new International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme;

18 Jul 2024 Nairobi (Kenya) BBC. High court suspends a decision by police to ban protests in Nairobi;

18 Jul 2024 Kigali (Rwanda) France24. Provisional results indicate incumbent president Paul Kagame has won 99.18% of the vote and that the ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) remains the dominant parliamentary party with 62% of the votes;

17 Jul 2024 Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) National Bank of Ethiopia (central bank) and Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates sign a currency swap agreement worth up to $817m;

17 Jul 2024 Kigali (Rwanda) VOA. United States-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) central Africa director Lewis Mudge says Rwanda’s election was not free or fair and merely a performance for President Paul Kagame;


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ARC East Africa Weekly Chronology 18 – 24 Jul 2024_