ARC East Africa Weekly Chronology
11-17 July 2024

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Africa Risk Consulting monitors events around the region and provides users of the EAA website with this weekly summary.


Weekly Update on events in East Africa

Africa Risk Consulting – Your first choice for Africa due diligence, country assessments, strategic advice and compliance consulting.

17 Jul 2024 Kampala (Uganda) Bloomberg. Ugandan authorities and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are in talks for a new IMF programme as Uganda’s $1 billion Extended Credit Facility (ECF) comes to an end;

16 Jul 2024 Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) VOA. United States (US) says it is encouraged by “incremental progress” on peace and reconciliation efforts in Ethiopia, nearly 20 months after the signing of the ceasefire in Tigray region;

16 Jul 2024 Nairobi (Kenya) Reuters. At least one person is killed in renewed anti-government protests across Kenya;

16 Jul 2024 Kigali (Rwanda) Al Jazeera. Incumbent President Paul Kagame wins 99% of the vote in the presidential election, securing a fourth term in office;

15 Jul 2024 Djibouti (Djibouti) Middle East Monitor. Egypt launches direct flights to Djibouti City and Mogadishu (Somalia) to bolster regional ties;

15 Jul 2024 Nairobi (Kenya) Reuters. Treasury confirms government plans to cut spending in the 2024/2025 budget by 1.9% and widen the fiscal deficit to 3.6% of GDP in a revised budget;

15 Jul 2024 Nairobi (Kenya) Business Daily. Treasury disclosures indicate Kenya is considering a new Eurobond in 2026;

15 Jul 2024 Harare (Zimbabwe) IOL. Rwanda donates 1,000 metric tonnes of grain to Zimbabwe following President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s appeal for assistance;

14 Jul 2024 Kinshasa (DRC) Business Day. Foreign minister Therese Kayikwamba Wagner says United Nations (UN) peacekeepers are unlikely to proceed with an agreement to withdraw from North Kivu province as long as Rwandan soldiers remain there;

14 Jul 2024 Kinshasa (DRC) Le Monde. Local lawmaker David Bisaka tells media that clashes between militiamen and soldiers in Kinsele (Mai-Ndombe Province) have left 42 people dead;

14 Jul 2024 Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) APA News. Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) announces a record $25.6m annual profit before tax during the Ethiopian fiscal year ending 7 July;

14 Jul 2024 Unguja (Tanzania) The Citizen. Opposition party ACT Wazalendo says the ruling party Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) lacks the moral authority to preach about safeguarding peace and shows no sincere intentions after Zanzibar’s President Hussein Mwinyi on 12 July urged citizens to remain vigilant, claiming certain opposition statements could lead to unrest as the country approaches general elections;

13 Jul 2024 Nairobi (Kenya) RFI. Police watchdog, the Independent Police Oversight Authority (IPOA), launches an inquiry into possible police involvement after eight mutilated bodies are found dumped in a rubbish tip;

13 Jul 2024 Nairobi (Kenya) Nation. Inspector-general of police Japhet Koome resigns after facing criticism over the police’s reaction to protests last month which left 39 people dead;

13 Jul 2024 Kigali (Rwanda) Anadolu Agency. Campaigning ends ahead of the presidential and legislative elections on Monday;

11 Jul 2024 Nairobi (Kenya) Financial Times. President William Ruto dismisses his entire cabinet except for his deputy, Rigathi Gachagua, and prime cabinet secretary and foreign affairs cabinet secretary Musalia Mudavadi;

11 Jul 2024 Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) The Citizen. Local company Amsons Group makes a $180m bid to acquire Kenya’s Bamburi Cement in what could be one of the largest takeover deals in East Africa;

11 Jul 2024 Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) Daily News. Energy ministry permanent secretary Felchesmi Mramba says power generation in Tanzania has surpassed increasing demand, mainly due to significant contributions from the partially operational Julius Nyerere Hydropower Project Plant;

11 Jul 2024 Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) IPP Media. Energy ministry permanent secretary Felchesmi Mramba says the government is satisfied with the implementation speed of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) project and that the project is expected to be completed as planned;

11 Jul 2024 Kampala (Uganda) Reuters. Human rights advocates file an appeal with the supreme court against a ruling by a lower court that upheld the Anti-Homosexuality Act (AHA);

10 Jul 2024 Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Addis Standard. United States-headquartered Human Rights Watch (HRW) urges international organisations to provide safe evacuation options for Ethiopian and Eritrean refugees in eastern Sudan;

10 Jul 2024 Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Business Insider Africa. Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority (ECTA) reports Ethiopia exported 298,500 tonnes of coffee in the 2023/2024 fiscal year that ended in July 2024, worth $1.43 billion;

10 Jul 2024 Asmara (Eritrea) Garowe. President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud arrives in Somalia for a two-day working visit during which he will visit Somali National Army recruits;

10 Jul 2024 Kampala (Uganda) The Africa Report. Uganda has dismissed claims in a United Nations (UN) report that it is supporting M23 rebels operating in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC);


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ARC East Africa Weekly Chronology 11 – 17 Jul 2024_